
Showing posts from February, 2012

My Grandmother

Hello Readers, This is a paragraph that I had to write about my grandmother. I love her very much! My Grandma is important to me. She's important to me because she is the one who created my dad. She always give me free food. I mean she always gives me good food. She is very fun. Sometimes I can just walk in and I don't have to say anything and she will know that something is wrong with me or if I am sick. She can tell even if I don't show any face expressions. Another reason I love her is because she bakes me cookies and cupcakes. I just love my Grandma! Happy Birthday Grandma!!

Word of the day

Hello Readers, This is the word of the day: Word: Candence Part of speech: noun Definition: ryhythimic flow, marching beat Synonyms: tap, beat Sentence: When my grandmother sings a song, her voice has a lovely cadence that sounds sweet to my ears.

Happy Valentine's Day


John Brown: One man against slavery

Hello Readers, Have you ever heard of John Brown? We learned about him at school. Main idea: John Brown wanted to end slavery Supporting Details: He had a liberation army, his army would move deeper south growing larger and stronger eventually freeing slaves. Picture source:;_ylt=A0PDoS_y3DNPygEAkw.JzbkF?p=john+brown&fr=w3i&ei=utf-8&n=30&x=wrt&vm=r