
Showing posts from August, 2013

Top 10 Cat Breed: # 9

Hello Readers, 9. The Oriental:  This breed looks and behaves like a Siamese but comes in two fur lengths and over 300 color combinations. Their personality is similar to the Siamese but they are quieter. Your Blogger, A.M. Source:  Wikipedia, Google es

To 10 Cat Breed: # 8

Hello Readers, 8. The American Short hair:  This breed originally arrived in America on the Mayflower. They were bred for hunting and are excellent hunters, have good health and are quiet cats. They make great family pets and are especially good with children. I am a proud owner of one, his name is Bagherra. Your Blogger, A.M. Source:  Wikipedia, Google images

Top 10 cat Breed: # 7

Hello Readers, 7. The Birman:  If you want a cat that is dog-like, the Birman is a good choice. He is friendly, outgoing, even-tempered and flexible, a very rare trait to find in a cat. They are known to come when called and to greet you at the door like a pooch would. They have long silky hair that does not require much grooming. Your Blogger, A.M. Source:  Wikipedia, Google images

If you could end world hunger...

Hello Readers, If you could end world hunger or ensure world peace, which would you choose? Why? That's a very difficult decision. I guess I would choose end world hunger, because there are a lot of homeless hungry people. I don't think that is fair to all of the innocent homeless hungry people. You can never ensure world peace, there's going to be some type of argument somewhere in the world. Your Blogger,. A.M Source:  Google images

Top 10 Cat Breed: # 6

Hello Readers, 6. The Ragdoll:  This breed gets its name from the way these cats go completely limp in your arms when you pick them up. They are cute and cuddly and large like the Maine Coon, weighing between 10 and 20 lbs. (males tend to be larger). This is a breed that should always be kept inside as they are very docile and would likely not defend themselves outside. Your Blogger, A.M. Source:  Wikipedia, Google images