My Nashville Trip

Hello Readers,

We went to Nashville, TN on a field trip. We visited the home of Andrew Jackson, our 7th president serving two terms from 1829 to 1937.

Andrew Jackson: born on March 15, 1767 in Waxhow, South Carolina. He became a lawyer. He was the first man to be elected from Tennessee to the House of Representatives, and in 1797 served a year in the U.S. Senate before resigning and becoming a Tennessee Supreme Court Judge.

He built a large mansion in Nashville, TN known as the “Hermitage.” He is widely remembered for killing a man during a duel while defending his wife’s honor.

His nickname was “Old Hickory” due to his rough and tough behavior. One of the most controversial times of his presidency was his policy regarding American Indians. He was a leading advocate of a policy known as” Indian Removal”, signing the Indian Removal Act into law in 1830. This led to the deaths of over 4000 Cherokee Indians as they suffered hardships on the “Trial of Tears”


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