
Showing posts from December, 2013

Facts about December part 2

Hello Readers, ⊙Zodiac signs: Sagittarius or Capricorn ⊙ Hanukkah ⊙Christmas ⊙Boxing Day ⊙Kwanzaa ⊙Read a New Book Month ⊙Human Rights Month ⊙Calendar Awareness Month ⊙National Hand washing Awareness Week ⊙National Fruit Cake Month       Source: Google images, December Facts Website

What Venture Capitalists Are Looking For

They are looking for passion How bad do you want it Would you do it everyday without getting paid Consumer Base Whos all buying into your company Youll buy water, clothes, food Youll pay for a mansion, audi, or a swimming pool Seasoning Experience, business savvy Youve failed A Team Passion, flexibility(are you willing to change) Who's all on your team You have to have the right people Smart and Intelligent people *The Wise Man Knows He Knows Nothing* Opportunity Why should they buy your service or product Everyone needs your service The next million dollar service The Market Is it expandable Can everyone use it is it defensible through thick and thin Don't be afraid to take risks and to fail Science notes from an Entrepreneur' speech

Facts about December

Hello Readers,   ⊙December 28th is considered by some to be the unluckiest day of the year. ⊙The first artificial Christmas tree was made in Germany, fashioned out of goose feathers that are dyed green! ⊙Spiders and spider webs are considered good luck on Christmas. ⊙ Birthstone: Turquoise, zircon, or tanzanite ⊙Flower: Narcissus or Holly     Source: Google images, December Facts Website