What Venture Capitalists Are Looking For

  • They are looking for passion
How bad do you want it
Would you do it everyday without getting paid

  • Consumer Base
Whos all buying into your company
Youll buy water, clothes, food
Youll pay for a mansion, audi, or a swimming pool

  • Seasoning
Experience, business savvy
Youve failed

  • A Team
Passion, flexibility(are you willing to change)
Who's all on your team
You have to have the right people
Smart and Intelligent people
*The Wise Man Knows He Knows Nothing*

  • Opportunity
Why should they buy your service or product
Everyone needs your service
The next million dollar service

  • The Market
Is it expandable
Can everyone use it
is it defensible through thick and thin
Don't be afraid to take risks and to fail

Science notes from an Entrepreneur' speech


  1. I wonder what would happen if an entrepreneur took up President Obama's offer--via the J.O.B.S. Act of 2013 to solicit investment in $100 shares from "unaccredited (i.e., small) investors? By the way, "JOBS" = "Jump-start Our Business Startups".

    My question to any investor, accredited or unaccredited, would be, "How long can you wait for your desired ROI ("return on investment")? Sometimes developing a company and its products takes time. Let us hope that your investors are not impatient....

    In the meantime, I am going to check out the Goverment Publications Office notice of the Act, at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112hr3606enr/pdf/BILLS-112hr3606enr.pdf, and the book, _The JOBS Act: Crowdfunding for Small Businesses and Startups by William Michael Cunningham (2013).


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