What Venture Capitalists Are Looking For
- They are looking for passion
Would you do it everyday without getting paid
- Consumer Base
Youll buy water, clothes, food
Youll pay for a mansion, audi, or a swimming pool
- Seasoning
Youve failed
- A Team
Who's all on your team
You have to have the right people
Smart and Intelligent people
*The Wise Man Knows He Knows Nothing*
- Opportunity
Everyone needs your service
The next million dollar service
- The Market
Can everyone use it
is it defensible through thick and thin
Don't be afraid to take risks and to fail
Science notes from an Entrepreneur' speech
I wonder what would happen if an entrepreneur took up President Obama's offer--via the J.O.B.S. Act of 2013 to solicit investment in $100 shares from "unaccredited (i.e., small) investors? By the way, "JOBS" = "Jump-start Our Business Startups".
ReplyDeleteMy question to any investor, accredited or unaccredited, would be, "How long can you wait for your desired ROI ("return on investment")? Sometimes developing a company and its products takes time. Let us hope that your investors are not impatient....
In the meantime, I am going to check out the Goverment Publications Office notice of the Act, at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112hr3606enr/pdf/BILLS-112hr3606enr.pdf, and the book, _The JOBS Act: Crowdfunding for Small Businesses and Startups by William Michael Cunningham (2013).