
Showing posts from July, 2013

Top 10 Cat Breed: # 5

Hello Readers, 5. The Abyssinian:   These cats are considered some of the lookers in the cat world. Thin and elegant with a shiny coat, they are active felines, very playful and friendly. Your Blogger, A.M. Source:  Wikipedia, Google images

Top 10 Cat Breed: # 4

Hello Readers, 4. The Siamese:  The yowl of a Siamese is very familiar to fanciers of this breed. And it's not just for attention - Siamese like to "chat" with their owners. This is a sleek cat who is very athletic. They usually gravitate to one person and are loyal and loving. Your Blogger, A.M. Source:  Wikipedia, Google images

Top 10 Cat Breed: #3

Hello Readers, 3. The Exotic:  This breed is like a Persian but with short fur. Their nickname is "Persian in Pajamas" because of their coloring. They are sweet like a Persian but only need brushing twice a week. Your Blogger, A.M. Source:  Wikipedia, Google images

Top 10 Cat Breed: # 2

Hello Readers, 2. The Maine Coon:  This breed has been in second place since 1992 and it's no wonder. This is a very gentle, loving creature who is large by cat-size. They weigh between 15 and 25 lbs. and have long fur like the Persian. However, they do not need as much grooming as the Persian. Your Blogger, A.M. Source:  Wikipedia, Google images