Inaguration Day has arrived

Hello Readers,
The inauguration was today and I am very happy that we have a black president. We had to stand in a long line at the train station. There were lots and lots and lots of people standing in line to ride the train. All of us were trying to get to Washington for the Presidential Inauguration. We went to the NEWSEUM to see the Inauguration and we saw a video about not using up the world's energy. Most of all it was a good tape and we slept on the first bench before we back to the train station.
Dear Aliyah's Company,
ReplyDeleteThis was truly an exciting day for us. We woke up at 4:30 in he morning and put on our clothes. We dressed in layers because it was going to be cold and we were going to be outside. I dressed in layers: 1 thermal top, 1 turtleneck and a thick sweater, 2 thermal bottoms, 1 sweater skirt, 1 pair of stockings, 1 pair of thermal socks, 2 hats, earmuffs, and 2 pair of gloves. We also had hand warmers, foot warmers and toe warmers. We had to stand outside for about 5 hours, but we were prepared and did not get cold. There were soooooooooooo many people waiting to see the swearing in. The city was electric!
After the Inauguration we had to walk back to the train station. I put on my walking counter and it read 13,513 steps that I had walked. Yes, my feet told me I had walked a lot of steps!
It is difficult, if not impossible, to cite a source when there is no information about it. I did a Google search on the Newseum on January 26, 2009 and found the picture you see here; however, the only "paper trail" that I can provide readers is the URL, which is