A letter from Chancellor

Hello Readers,
City University School has shared their pictures with me as they watch the Inauguration of President Barack Obama!

This is the letter from the Chancellor from the school:
I hope this communication has found you well and filled with the hope for change that President Obama has committed to this country. I want to take this opportunity to share with you a few pictures from the Inaugural Watch Party and Forum held at City University School of Liberal Arts, on Tuesday, January 20, 2009.

With so many different events going on during this day filled with celebration, I wanted to provide you with just a few scenes as to how City University's scholars, parents and staff marked this day in history. Including watching and being actively involved in the pomp and circumstances of the Inauguration, the scholars also participated in a public forum where they shared with their peers and parents what this day meant to them.
This wonderfully exciting teachable moment has provided the school with an opportunity to inspire scholars at greater levels and we are excited for the work that will be ongoing with the scholars and our Nation.

Sharing the day with the scholars of City University was very exciting, but I look forward to knowing how you spent this day in history as well. If you too have pics and stories from your experience, I look forward to you sharing those as well.

Wishing you (and our Nation) continued peace and progress, I am
Thank you Chancellor for sharing your day with Aliyah's Company!
This is the school's website if you want to learn more about it: http://www.cityuniversityschool.org/


  1. What a great idea for the Chancellor of City University School, its staff, parents, and scholars to celebrate this historic occasion! I know that this represents a time of commitment and re-commitment for us all. I am looking forward to working with President Obama to make America and the World a better place to live!

    Mama Sharon


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