My Share Day at School

Hello Readers,

I found out that my share day is Monday, January 12, 2009. When I think about bringing something to share I say "MAN!, I don't have anything to share at home. Then I start to think of something to share and my first thing I said I wanted to share was a seashell, then I just remembered that my mom threw the seashell in the trash because it began to smell bad. Then my second suggestion was my piano pencil, but I knew nobody would want to hear somebody talk about a pencil during morning meeting. Then my third suggestion was my Barack Obama book that I got for Christmas. The name of it is "The American Journey of Barack Obama from Boyhood to the White House published by Life Books. This book teaches me a lot about Barack Obama and I like it because I want to learn a lot more about Barack Obama.

In this book it tells you about him and it shows pictures of when he was a little baby, in elementary school, college, grown up, and how he got to the White House. If you are in my grade I just look at the pictures and it tells a whole different story. One picture might have a thousand stories in it because of the things you see. One of the pictures I look at has a flag, men in shoes, suits and ties, a car and the Capitol Building of the United States, all of these things have a story behind them. Like the flag, it has a story about how it was made, the suits and ties have a story about how they were sewn together, and the shoes somebody thought about how to make them shoes, and the Capitol Building has a story about how it was built.

When I share we talk about what I have to share, but we don't talk about it in paragraphs, we just say a few words about the object I brought. Then my classmates ask me questions about my item. I will choose one girl question and one boy question to answer. After I answer the question I will sit down. And the next person will get up and share their item too.

5 - Number of days before I leave for Maryland and Washington

7 - Number of days before Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday

8 - Number of days before the Presidential Inauguration of Barack Obama

P.S. I might want to be the president one day and never stop deaming!!!


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