Spelling Words Challenge #13

Hello Readers,

These are my spelling words for the week of May 4 -8, 2009.

leadership, gracefully, refreshment, uncomfortable, overdoing, remarkable, carefully, unbearably, ownership, unacceptable, impossibly, reappeared, unprepared, oncoming, misbehaving, outrageous, incomprehensible undoubtedly, Independence disadvantage

Spelling Words Challenge!
The challenge is for you to use the spelling words in the order they are in and make a paragraph out of them in the order they are in. For an example, go to the blog dated February 17, 2009. It is called "Spelling Words and Challenge!"


  1. With his inauguration on January 20th, President Barack Obama accepted the leadership of a great nation gracefully and confidently, fully aware that his presence represented a “re-freshment”, a re-energizing of the nation’s spirit. As he stood in frigid temperatures, he gave no indication that he was uncomfortable, no indication that he was overdoing or underdoing his professional duty to assume his post. His was a remarkable, yet carefully choreographed and almost unbearably poignant, assuming of the ownership of perhaps the nation’s greatest office. What was once unacceptable and impossibly difficult to achieve had become acceptable and achievable. Even those who doubted the President’s ability to win reappeared to congratulate him. Those who did not want him to win were unprepared for so peaceful a transfer of power, despite their dire predictions of his administration as an oncoming catastrophe of misbehaving politicians, and outrageous and incomprehensible policies….

    ….One hundred days have come and gone, and he, Mr. President, has shown that he is undoubtedly a voice of discipline and calm, in the neither the best nor the worst of times, but certainly in this most uncertain of times. His determination to replace disadvantage with advantage, to replace despair with hope, inspires us all.


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