Spelling Words Challenge # 15

Hello Readers,

These are my spelling words for the week ending of November 14, 2009.

let's, he'd, you'll, can't, you'd haven't, she'd, they'll, we'd, they'd, wasn't, didn't, should've, would've, could've, you've, shower's

Spelling Words Challenge!
The challenge is for you to use the spelling words in the order they are in and make a paragraph out of them in the order they are in.

For an example, go to the blog dated February 17, 2009. It is called "Spelling Words and Challenge!"

Post your answer as a comment on my blog.


  1. Let's see.... Daddy Jens said that he'd be starting school on the 10th of August, but you'll never guess what happened when he arrived on Tuesday, August 4th! He received notice of his first meeting on Thursday, August 6th!!!

    Oh no, you can't recover from jet lag so soon, especially if you'd not slept well on the plane. Besides, our furnishings haven't arrived from Britain; Emily, the "Removal" Company assistant said that she'd make haste in getting our things to us. In fact, they'll be arriving on Friday, August 14th, so we'd better continue with our "Spring" cleaning of the house.

    They'd first agreed to the 10th as a delivery date, but the shipping container wasn't yet full, Emily said. She therefore didn't make final shipping plans for this date. We should've contacted her earlier to confirm the 10th and would've done so had we the means to make a call. (Skype is great for Skype-to-Skype communication; only "so-so" for Skype-to-telephone communication). We could've saved ourselves some frustration, but then when you've just arrived home--after 16 months away--there is a great deal to do, so we don't mind the later date of an August 14th arrival.

    The hot water heater is on and the shower's steaming now... Gotta go!!! :-)


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