Hello Readers,

I had my first day of piano lessons on Wednesday. I got to be the teacher's helper. I have a new teacher this year. Oh, yeah she gave me a treat for helping her.

Piano is going to be fun this year. The first time I met my Piano teacher was at registration. I played a piano card game with her. It was fun!


  1. hello Aliyah,
    this is Emil how are you?
    im in denmark(as always) today we are having my birthsday party. but i was 13 years old the 18. august
    i like your blog

    love Emil

  2. hello Aliyah,
    this is Mikkel. I am in Denmark now. We have a party today because Emil has had birthday the 18th of August.He is now 13 years old. I am 10 years old. I will be 11 years old the 18th of January. Mama Birgitte also says hello to you.

    love Mikkel

    Hello Aliyah. This is Birgitte Writing to you. I hope you are getting along well. Today we have celebratednew Emils birthdy. He got a new computer and today he had something to use for drawing a sort of pencil. I hope you are doing well. My little cat Daisy has been accepted by your aunt Sharon. Saw Daisy for the first time yesterday.

    Love Mama Birgitte.

  3. Hello Emil,

    I am doing well. Well I want to wish you a happy birthday. Thank You!


  4. Hello Mikkel,

    Well how was Emil's birthday party was it fun? Well did you play any games? I bet your birthday party is going to be fun too. I wish I could've been there too. I want to attend your birthday party on skype. My dads birthday is on January 19th.



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