I am a Great Kid

I am in the paper today.
School: I am a 5th grader at Downtown Elementary School.
Faith: I am a member of the Apostolic Deliverance Temple Church of Jesus Christ, pastor Apostle Perry Maples.
I was 6 years old when I played my first piano recital and received a trophy. I am an Honor Roll student at Downtown Elementary, I have volunteered at the "Rock-N-Roll" Bike MS Ride for 4 years and have earned 192 community service hours.
Personal Heroes: Mom & Dad, Momma Sharon & Daddy Jens, Barack Obama
Favorite Books: Double Fudge by Judy Blume and Girligami by Cindy Ng
Favorite TV Show: "Suite Life on Deck"
Favorite Movie: "Akella and the Bee”
Favorite Song: "Giants” by Donald Lawrence
What I do for fun: I fold origami papers, play computer games, play Nintendo, play scrabble, play Book Chase, and listen to my MP3 player.
What's the best thing about being a kid: Parents buy you stuff.
People may be surprised to know: I attended the Inauguration of the first black president Barack Obama and started my own blog so I could tell my friends, school and the world about my trip. You can read my blog at www.aliyahscompany.blogspot.com
If I could change one thing in the world... there would be no hungry people begging for food and money.
Goals for the future: I want to be a doctor or teacher.
Source: Commericial Appeal
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