The daredevil and mooncar

Hello Readers,

We went to Emil, Mikkel, Jeppe, and Rasmus’s house and rode mooncars and fell a lot of times. O, yeah, the next part I am going to tell you is really funny just believe me it really, really, really funny so this is what happened. Emil, Mikkel, Jeppe and Rasmus have these mooncars, I will call them cars for short. We were just rolling along and guess what Carly fell back when we went down the big daredevil, but she didn’t survive and she flipped over. It was so, so, so, so, soooo funny everybody was like ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, but she didn’t get hurt and the funny thing is she was laughing too. So I’m like uh if she’s laughing I think we can laugh too. But wait, there is something else funnier. Evyn was going down the Daredevil and she flipped over too but this time the mooncar was on top of her, she was on her stomach, she looked so, so, so, so, funny! You should have seen it. Luckily I didn’t fall though….


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