Letter to my Dear Momma Sharon

Hello Readers,

This is a homework assignment from the 4th grade.

Dear Momma Sharon,

I am doing really good in school. So how are you doing in school as a teacher? How is Daddy Jens?

I am doing really good in piano class. Have you met Mrs. Lee, she's my new piano teacher. She's really fun! She gives us pieces of candy if we try to get an answer right, or if we be quiet when she tells us to, and so on.

Report cards went out Wednesday last week. I made all A's and one B! Next time I guarantee ya I'll make all A's. Oh, yeah I made E Club, if you don't know what E Club is, it's when you meet you with one of your teachers in your grade, then you will eat pizza, nachos and etc. Well, that's all I wanted to say!
Always Love,
P.S. This letter is for a school homework assignment. Love Ya!


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