If you could end world hunger...

Hello Readers,
If you could end world hunger or ensure world peace, which would you choose? Why?

That's a very difficult decision. I guess I would choose end world hunger, because there are a lot of homeless hungry people. I don't think that is fair to all of the innocent homeless hungry people. You can never ensure world peace, there's going to be some type of argument somewhere in the world.

Your Blogger,.
Source:  Google images


  1. Good question. I would argue that one thing is related to the other. I also believe that stopping world hunger is the better choice in this sequence. Ending world hunger reduces the probability of conflict. The fewer conflicts there are, the more world peace there will be.

    1. Thank you for commenting on my post and I completely agree.
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    2. What kind of place do you want your blog to be? I think of a blog like a 18th century Parisian salon, a living room where people with fascinating interests, travel tales, pursuits, and hobbies got together to discuss current affairs, world events, the latest bestselling book....

      Or, asked another way, what do you really, really, really like to do? If you like what it is you like so much, then surely there are others in the world who would want to share your hobby or interest. --I'm sure of it :-).


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