
Did you know?? A dog’s sense of smell is 10,000 – 100,000 times more acute as that of humans.


  1. I have a "dog's acute sense of smell" story: While waiting in line at Customs in Washington, D.C., as I entered the country from Europe in May 2013, I saw a little beagle--let's call him Sparky. This was customs--unlike some European trains where you see a dog first and almost reflexively say 'hello' to him. This was United States Customs, so I knew that Sparky was on definitely on the job.

    The Customs Agent led him through the long snake of a line without incident, and even passed right by me. I continued to read my book.
    --But there's no story if this is the end of the affair.

    No, as Sparky and his Staff walk up on the other side of me, all of a sudden he jumped up on my right side, the side where I was carrying my laptop computer case. It was a bit startling, but he was a gentle fellow, obviously having been trained in how to focus his attention on the drugs or other contraband and not attack the person.

    I'd been busted!

    Everyone began to look at me. Standing in line for what seems like an eternity if b-o-r-i-n-g, so my bust absorbed all of the attention in the room.

    Wrapped up in plastic were a few remaining crumbs from a rye-bread sandwich that I had brought with me from Europe and eaten immediately upon leaving the airplane. I could not find a wastebasket, so I tucked the plastic with its bits of bread into my laptop bag. I explained this matter to Sparky's Officer, and she took the sandwich trash and went on her way, with Sparky moving on to check out other passengers.

    I didn't say that this was a _drug_ bust, but it was about as terrifying, i.e., to be stopped, albeit by a cute little dog, and an officer of the law for sandwich remains. --Finish your sandwich and other comestibles on the plane, Everyone....


  2. Yep. I recently saw a clip on YT with a German Shepherd that had a GoPro strapped to his body. And he sensed his owners coming home a good amount of minutes before they got home.
    Here's a cute pup for you. http://adf.ly/1dFOth

  3. I didn't say that this was a _drug_ bust, but it was about as terrifying, i.e., to be stopped, albeit by a cute little dog, and an officer of the law for sandwich remains. --Finish your sandwich and other comestibles on the plane, Everyone....



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