Facts about December part 2

Hello Readers,

⊙Zodiac signs: Sagittarius or Capricorn
⊙ Hanukkah
⊙Boxing Day
⊙Read a New Book Month
⊙Human Rights Month
⊙Calendar Awareness Month
⊙National Hand washing Awareness Week
⊙National Fruit Cake Month
Source: Google images, December Facts Website


  1. "Read a New Book Month" sounds interesting. Who sponsors this event? What new book(s) did you read in December?

    One of my joys was ethnographer Wendy Welch's _The Little Bookstore of Big Stone Gap_ (2012) about how an American and her Scottish husband enter the local bookstore business blind and (almost) broke, yet follow their passion. Ultimately, the bookstore becomes a magnet for the small Virginia mountain town where they settled.

    The biggest takeaway? Bookstores are a "third place", where someone may--or may not--know your name, but you are always welcome there--whether to

    simply browse,
    or study,
    or take part in the Friday evening knitting circle,
    or get store credit for used books,
    or take part in poetry readings.

    Most of us have the essential 1st place (home) and 2nd place (school or work). --A 3rd place is equally essential to a balanced life, and the small-scale new&used bookstore can fulfill that role.

    This book is for every honest bibliophile, i.e., those who dream of owning their own bookstore someday (and isn't this all of us! :-))


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